Swag Mission

We Were Volunteers First

For years we have supported our local non-profit organizations helping with  fundraising, volunteering, and support in general. We bought the turkeys, cookies, raffle tickets, and went to the chili cook-offs, fish fry's, and special events. When our friends came by with their club, team, group, or association fundraisers, we bought them too. We love supporting these organizations and enjoy their merchandise. We just keep feeling there should be a better way to supplement their fundraising efforts by making more products available to more people, anytime, online, nationwide. 

An Easy Way for Non-Profits to Raise Money

We looked for a way to add to - not take away from or compete with - what the non-profits were doing. There had to be a way to offer unique products online year-round and to reach people out of town or not available for local pickup.

An Online Store Offers So Many Options

With an online store we are able to offer a wide range of relative and complimentary custom products without the need for a large inventory or long production times.

Unlimited Products and Creativity

A big advantage with online merchandising is that items can be designed and personalized for club, association, foundation, team and group members. The possibilities are unlimited, and that means more funds raised for your organization.

Print On Demand Increases Profits

Print On Demand technology offers a unique opportunity for non-profit branded merchandise to be available in a wider variety of products, at lower cost, and higher profits to a much broader audience. No inventory. No up-front costs. No "last-season" product to sell.

The bottom line to your organization is pure profit with no exposure. A winning combination!

Each Time Your Items Sells, You Get a Donation

We have designed the Swag Fundraising program to allow you to receive donated profits every time one of your branded products sells online. Whether it is purchased by one of your memebers, one of their distant relatives, or someone totally unaffiliated with your organization, you automatically benefit from that sale – 50% of the net profit.

We Think It's a Win-Win Proposition!

With Swag Fundraising we cut through the technological clutter and deliver high-quality, non-profit branded products to your member base and beyond. You benefit from the purchase by receiving a nice donation, and the buyer gets something for themselves, or a gift for someone else and the satisfaction that they supported the team. The bottom line is that everyone wins when we work together!

3000 Custer Road, Suite 270, Box 465 • Plano, TX 75075 • 214-471-5381